Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Biking, Birthday, Basketball, and Braves Stadium

Monday was such a wonderful holiday for us! Blaine had to train a client early in the morning, but after that we had the whole day to play! After eating chick-fil-a, we went and met our friends Jake and Bet for a bike ride. I have been on ONE bike ride in my whole life.. It was less than 5 miles and more than 5 years ago. When we got to Jake’s house, he informed me that we would be going on a 14 mile bike trail. I tried to explain that I would not be able to make it that far; however, they insisted. Although I was HOT, tired, and sore by the end of the ride, I made it! Did I mention it was very hot? 

After biking we went to Blaine’s parent’s house to celebrate our nephew Samuel’s third birthday. Samuel is at a stage in his life where he LOVES war, swords, shields, guns, and pretty much anything to do with protecting. Obviously everyone knew little Samuel very well because he received a two sets of shields and swords. He is so sweet and was so grateful for all his gifts. Every time someone would tell him Happy Birthday, he would respond with a Happy Birthday to you too! Haha..

 When the party dwindled down, we played a game of H-O-R-S-E. First place went to Lydia, followed by Ryan, Blaine, myself, and Mr. Robert. We then played around with some sparklers and firecrackers.

 Blaine and I left the party and went out to Trustmark Park for the big firework show. We got a blanket and laid on the roof of the car in the parking lot. The fireworks were beautiful and so entertaining.

 All in all, it was a wonderful 4th of July! I am so thankful for our freedom and grateful for the soldiers who have served our country.

HEBREWS 13:3… Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body…. I couldn’t help but think throughout the day of our brothers and sisters in Christ in other countries who do not have the freedom to worship God and who are being mistreated and even martyred for their faith. I pray that the Lord would continually remind us to remember them and pray for them.. Please check out and become aware of Christians suffering for the gospel in our world TODAY. You can read about and pray for believers who are imprisoned, tortured, and even killed for serving and professing Christ…

1 comment:

  1. Yay! What a lovely day! Dustin bought me a bike for my birthday and we are planning to go on a ride soon. I don't think I could do 14 miles though! :) Good job MB!
